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I'm often asked what it is that I do, and that's a tough one to answer. I solve engineering problems in a number of disciplines and have software and an engineering workshop to enable me to design and manufacture most of the things I'm asked to design, make or repair. Those things are many and various so it's probably easier just to ask if your problem is something I can help with.

Here's a brief overview of the general areas I work in...

Mechanical Engineering...


I use 3D modelling for everything these days.  It's a quick and easy way to create drawings, CNC tool paths and visualisations for customers to view. It also provides a valuable record for repeat jobs.


I also repair and make replacement parts for old equipment. Maybe you need special tools or pullers, or have an idea for something you'd like to make.

Electronic Engineering...


I use the excellent Ranger XL circuit design CAD package for Schematic input and PCB layout. Having worked in the PCB industry, I understand the issues involved in making circuits that are robust and easy to manufacture.


I also repair electronic equipment that can be hard to find modern equivalents for. Many of the older integrated circuits can still be sourced, so these units can often be repaired.

Software Engineering...


I favour PIC microprocessors for ease of use in embedded applications but I'll happily use whatever you prefer. For the simpler projects I use Assembler, but 'C' is sometimes more appropriate.


PC programs for Windows are usually written using RAD Studio, but it can be in any other language. Again, it's whatever is most applicable to the task at hand.

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